5 signs that your man is narcissistic and demanding – ladies.
Therapists use the word “narcissism” a lot, but what does it really mean?
Have you ever thought about whether or not your relationship is healthy or bad? Is this how men are, or is my guy just selfish and controlling? Here’s how you can find out:
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines narcissism as a pattern of grandiosity, a constant need for praise, and a lack of empathy.
At least five of these things must be true: an inflated sense of self, an obsession with illusions of endless success, beauty, or ideal love, a belief that they are unique and special and that other elite or highly regarded people or groups should understand them or hang out with them, a desire for undeserved admiration, and a sense of entitlement.
What else should you watch out for besides the description of a narcissist?
Throughout the relationship, your partner will use language that is a little bit scary. Even if they don’t say it out loud, you will know that there will be consequences if you don’t do what they want. Even if you don’t really agree with what they want, it’s often easier to just go along with it. This is a way that they try to control and manage their partners to get what they want.
2. Continuous criticism that makes you question yourself
Even though you’ve done a lot in your life, you still feel like you’re not enough. This is because your partner often criticizes you or tells you that they don’t like what you do. You can’t do or achieve anything well enough.
Your partner is always putting you down about how you look, what you wear, and how you act. They make fun of and insult you. This can happen in front of you, behind your back, or in front of your friends and other people you know. This is because they try to boost their own feelings by putting other people down.
3. Not taking care of things
A phony is almost never able to apologize in a real way. Most likely, your egotistical partner will always say that you are to blame for how they act. It’s always your fault, no matter how badly they act. Narcissists don’t see other people as equals, so it makes sense that they wouldn’t be able to say they’re sorry. Even if they do apologize, they will say that you made them act out of character and not that they did something wrong.
4. Isolation
Saying bad things about their friends and family is a common way for narcissists to push away their partners. This makes their partners feel guilty and like they need to change their friends or stay away from their families.
They might bring up fights with your friends and tell you they are bad for you, or they might insist you spend time with them when you have plans with your friends or family. They always put you in tough situations where you have to choose between them and your friends to show you love them.
5. They are lovely, but they are not what they seem.
You find yourself talking to someone who is nothing like what everyone else thinks they are. Your man seems beautiful, sure of himself, and successful, which is why you fell in love with him. Everyone likes them, but they only look this way because they are so good at hiding who they really are in public. When you met them for the first time, they were charming, but when you’re alone with your lover, everything changes and they’re so mean to you.
Lastly, narcissists are very good at gaslighting. They will make you question yourself and wonder if you’re being too sensitive. They will also make you blame yourself a lot when something goes wrong and apologize a lot. Even if you can’t figure out what’s wrong, you can tell that something isn’t right. You often think about how to respond to your partner because you don’t want to hurt his feelings and you try to understand why he does what he does.
Source: Dehotpress
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