Did you know that regular physical activity can add up to seven years to your life? Modern lifestyles have
made physical inactivity a global health crisis. Particularly in Ghana, several studies have highlighted the
prevalence of high physical inactivity among Ghanaians of all ages.
Many spend hours sitting at desks, commuting in cars, or relaxing in front of screens. This lack of movement is more dangerous than it
Regular physical activity keeps your heart and blood vessels healthy. The heart, like any other muscle,
gets stronger with exercise. When you move your body, your heart pumps blood more efficiently,
transporting oxygen and nutrients to all your organs. This improves circulation, lowers blood pressure,
and reduces “bad” cholesterol, reducing your heart disease and stroke risk. Think of it like cleaning out a
plumbing system. Exercise prevents your arteries from clogging, allowing your heart and blood vessels to
function smoothly.
Beyond heart health, exercise is a “natural medicine” to prevent major chronic diseases. It helps regulate
blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, exercise combats chronic
inflammation, an underlying cause of diseases such as arthritis. By reducing inflammation, exercise keeps
you disease-free.
Exercise also slows aging at the cellular level by protecting telomeres: the tiny caps at the ends of our
DNA strands. Picture telomeres as the plastic tips of shoelaces, which protect them from fraying. As we
age, telomeres shorten naturally, causing our cells to age and lose their ability to divide. Regular physical
activity slows this shortening process, helping your cells stay healthier for longer. In simple terms,
exercise doesn’t just add years to your life; it adds healthy years, where you feel stronger, younger, and
more energetic.
Moreover, strengthening your mind and body is another key benefit of exercise. Physical activity builds
muscle mass, keeps bones strong, and prevents frailty as you age. It also releases hormones like
endorphins and dopamine. These hormones improve mood, reduce stress, and combat anxiety and
depression. People who exercise regularly are not only physically stronger but also mentally sharper and
In simple terms, exercise is your body’s anti-aging formula. It helps keep your heart strong, prevents
disease, fights inflammation, and even protects your DNA. Whether it is walking, swimming, or dancing,
every bit of movement contributes to a longer, healthier, and more vibrant life.
The writer is Righteous Agoha, a research assistant at the University of Ghana Legon. Contact: 0546231449
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